How To Raise Bilingual Children

I’m a bilingual parent speaking both Russian and English to my child. In fact, I believe I started speaking better Russian because I was teaching the second language to my son from day 1. As I was remembering more words, practicing and learning new things (searching on Google or asking Alexa) I too became better at the language which I don’t consider my native tongue.

I started my journey as a bilingual parent and share the types of ways you can teach your child more than one language. I apologise for the poor quality of the video but think it’s a great one to start off with!

3 years has passed and I did an update on my progress. I share what worked for me and what didn’t and what I want to improve on. Mainly, here’s how my son – as a bilingual kid – is doing speaking both languages. Watch the video below.

My child also started going to dedicated language school for the Russian language every weekend but I also thought it was a good idea to start doing more at home. How to homeschool your child a second language is something I am currently learning on the go; see the progress below.