Home DIY & Makeovers

We moved into our forever home in 2022. We chose a ‘fixer-upper’ house knowing it’s going to be a big project to update it, renovate it and decorate it to a modern standard. We saw the potential of the house and the location was perfect for us too.

The house started out mostly pink and patterned inside. My kids bedroom carpet was leopard print whilst our bathroom suite was a poo-brown colour. Needless to say we managed to update most of the house after a year and a half in the property but we also have a long way to go. Follow our journey on YouTube as we update it – some rooms by DIY ways and others with more professional help.

3 days after we moved into our new house and we opened up our doors to you all. I also couldn’t wait to see a comparison many years down the line to see how far we’ve come and how much hard work we put into doing it all up. Our first big job in the house was to rewire it all so watch below for the chaos that ensued.

We found out that the previous house owner was hiding beautiful wooden floors under all that carpet around the house so although we didn’t manage to sand it down and restore it (just yet) we still managed to uncover it all and make the most out of it downstairs. Upstairs saw a huge transformation in 2023; starting with my son’s room…

And my child’s room is one of my favourite places in the house now. Well, it was, until we renovated our bathroom. See the extreme makeover of our pink toilet and basin, which was next door to our mushroom brown bathroom suite, was merged & converted into a huge modern family bathroom with walk-in shower. We still have pinch-me moments every time we use it.

We’re currently modernising our bedroom & DIYing our smaller office room. But more on these soon 😉