About Me

Hi friends, I’m Alina Ghost. I’m a working mum in the UK, Greater London/Essex and if I’m not spending my time creating content, I’m helping big brands optimise their websites for search. Working and mothering gets tough so I share my experience on here a lot. I love parenting but I also struggle balancing it all like everybody else.

If I had a penny for every time I was asked where I was from… and to put things simply; I was born in Russia, moved when I was 1 to Israel and then grew up in East London from the age of about 8. We are therefore a bilingual family who speak both Russian and English at home. I share plenty of my own experience and fully encourage others to speak more than one language to their kids (as there are so many benefits!)

I grew up poor, in an immigrant family who spent their fortune on moving countries for a better life, so I live frugally and intentionally. I like to visit local charity shops to buy good quality items and find an absolute bargain. Although I do end up buying a lot of little cars for my son because he goes ga-ga for those. I also get hands on and enjoy crafting, sewing and knitting so if you’re looking for granny chic; it is I.

We moved into our forever home in 2022. It’s a project house with plenty of big things that need to be done but it was the perfect location for us. We recently underwent a bathroom renovation and are currently saving up for our extension… it’s not easy and we’re having to say no to holidays and other luxuries but we’re grateful nonetheless. Check out the latest house tour below.